Japan Knife Shop is owned by a Japanese company. All products are made in Japan.

Summer BIG Sale

Summer BIG Sale!

15.00% OFF!!!

**Many customers said they missed Summer Big Sale because it's summer vacation season. 15.00% Off is very reasonable, so we were sorry for their voices. We don't usually do this, but we decided to extend Summer Big Sale to express our appreciation to our customers!!

Summer BIG SALE is held for our customers from July 8th to 16th, 2022. 

15.00% OFF coupon for all customers during BIG Sale!

Coupon code : AUG23

Please use this code at the final stage of checkout.

Minimum purchase of $38.00 • One time use per customer

Please Go back to top page and check your favorite knives: 

excludes Shikisai Miyako